Do your selfies reflect yourself?

Alterations.  Definition: To change or cause to change in character or composition, typically in a comparatively small but significant way. Many girls make them but it has a significant impact on your character, self esteem, and perception of beauty. “I woke up like this” turn into a complete lie when your foundation and mascara looks the […]

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Fall Lipstick

 Fall is at your front door and you have to answer with the fierceness! From pinky nudes to vampy plums, you can match any lip with any outfit to stand out. Get creative and bold with these perfect color for fall! Here are my top seven favorite lipsticks to wear during the Fall season. Smile! […]

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Winter Skin Blues

We all know how dry our skin gets in the winter. I literally try anything from the most expensive products to Vaseline to fix my dry crackly skin but before nothing seemed to work. Now, you and I are both in luck! I have four tips and trick to give you a summer glow in […]

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